Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeChromeGoogle Chrome Rolling Out Secure DNS for Safe Browsing

Google Chrome Rolling Out Secure DNS for Safe Browsing

The Google Chrome browser is known for its speed, security and a responsive user-friendly interface in the browsing world. Now Google Chrome for desktop is getting more and more secure with a secure DNS (Domain Name System) feature. Overall, the secure DNS over HTTPS (DoH) feature ensures a safer and more encrypted browsing experience for its users. The secure feature provides users with additional peace of mind while surfing on the web. 

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A few months ago, the Secure DNS feature had to be enabled through a hidden flag as of Google Chrome 80, but with the latest version 85 of Google Chrome, it has been rolling out officially for every user. 

This more secure DNS protocol helps us keep cyber attackers at bay whenever you visit a website. Moreover,  it defends you from third-party sites to redirect you to phishing or malicious sites. 

Also Read: Chrome for Android Got Secure DNS for Safe Browsing

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How to enable secure DNS feature in Google Chrome?

If you have updated Google Chrome for your desktop to 85, you will see a new feature in your chrome browser’s settings so-called ‘Secure DNS’. Secure DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is enabled by default for Chrome 85, using your current internet service provider (ISP) to process domain queries. 

You can also set up a custom DNS service provider if you’d like. Even you can select other given trusted DNS over HTTPS (DoH) resolver including Google Public DNS ( Cloudflare (, CleanBrosing (Family Filter) and Quad9 ( as well. Check out the video below to learn more about DNS settings.

Chrome Secure DNS Feature

Additionally, you can entirely disable the Secure DNS feature by heading under the settings menu of your Google Chrome browser. 

After rolling out to desktop browsers, Google is now gradually introducing DNS features to Chrome 85 for Android users. 

So this was all about how to use Google Chrome’s Secure DNS for safe browsing. if you still have any doubts you can drop your queries below in the comment box.

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Also Read:
Caret Browsing in Firefox: How to Enable or Disable
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Mukesh Patidar
Mukesh Patidar
I am a professional tech writer and YouTuber. Tech writing and video creation is a passion for me. Basically, I enjoy exploring new technologies, tips, tricks and much more. Currently, I am focussing on it.


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