Most WhatsApp users are turning to rival messaging app Telegram after WhatsApp announced changes to its terms and privacy policy. Telegram is one of the best messaging apps with tons of built-in features such as end-to-end chat encryption, scheduled messages, audio and video calls, dark mode, saved messages, silent messages as well as chat folders for a better and dedicated user experience.
In addition, secret chat is one of the features that allows users to chat securely with anyone without leaving any trace of your chat. Below is the complete list of secret chat features.
- Use end-to-end encryption.
- Leave no trace on their servers.
- Have a self-destruct timer.
- Do not allow forwarding of your chats.
Telegram secret chats are device-specific, which means your text messages, pictures, videos, and other files are sent using end-to-end encryption only you and the recipient have the decryption key, so telegram and other third-party cannot access your data.
Other than this, the recipient cannot forward your messages, pictures, videos and other files from secret chats.
If your privacy and secrecy matters to you then keep reading this article all through to know how to enable and use secret chat in Telegram.
Here’s how to enable and use secret chat in Telegram:
1. Make sure you have installed the latest version of Telegram on your device.
2. Open the Telegram app on your device and head to the chat window of the person for whom you want to enable Secret Chats.
3. Now tap on your profile icon or name from the chat window.
4. Next, tap on the three vertical dots (⋮) in the top-right corner, then tap the ‘Start Secret Chat’ option.
5. After tapping on the Start Secret Chat option, a pop-up will appear asking you to start a secret chat. Simply tap on the Start option to start your secret chat.
Note: The secret chat option is only available for individual chats and not for group chats.
So this was all about how to enable secret chat in Telegram, if you still have any questions regarding this, please drop your queries in the comments section below.
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